A small scale modern classic. Could be adapted into a great TV show
25 April 2024
Although deceptively simple in concept and structure, this stayed with me for weeks afterwards. Script and performances strike a perfect balance between comedy and pathos. The Office-style office talk is hilarious, and I'm guessing that some parts must have been improvised. A few members of the ensemble cast are given moments to shine even brighter when we're shown glimpses of certain characters' personal lives, subverting our earlier assumptions about them, and here Marcia DeBonis deserves special mention for a heartbreaking scene towards the end. Casting is very strong; everyone does great work, and Daisy Ridley's performance is phenomenal, helped considerably by some thoughtful framing and blocking that really adds to the character. And while the abstract fantasy element works well, the other big star is the setting. The many gorgeous establishing shots and segues give the town a deep sense of place, somewhere it's a pleasure to inhabit, and left me wanting more. In fact the palpable "slipping into a hot bath" feeling I experienced reminded me of things like Northern Exposure and Twin Peaks - and I would definitely watch multiple seasons, given the chance.
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